Thursday 28 February 2013

Atticus in To Kill A Mockingbird

Atticus Finch is the father of Scout & Jem. whom is older than most fathers, which makes his children embarassed of him in the begining of the book.
   The character I decided to write about is Atticus Finch, the father of Scout and Jem Finch. In the novel he plays as a significant role model to Scout and Jem. And as an individual, he is intelligent,righteous and trustworthy. Earning him the respect of the all the citizens and is a person whom people can turn to in times of need.

   He is an role model and influential person to Scout and Jem by providing them with great wisdom and knowlegde such as teaching them to "never hold grude against people...despite their callous indifference to racial inequality"(1) and with his famous quote "you never understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.....until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" (Lee,35). As an individual, Atticus is viewed as a hero with his strong sense of justice and with ethnic believes in sympathy and understanding. Because of this, it lead him to defend Tom Robinson in his trail, which caused him to be scorned by the other citizens for defending a black man.

   I think that Harper Lee decided to include this character to describe how society was like back in the 30's where injustice and radical prejudice exist, and portrays Atticus as the "moral backbone" for the citizens as he is also one of the few citizens who believes in racial equalitly.

   As a reader, we could learn from Atticus moral understanding, knowledge and wisedom, in the issue of racistm as he did not turn his back on Tom when he was in need of help.And also that not everyone or everything was blind to injustice back in the 30s.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Are you a Hipster?

Which one is YOU?
 Sooo,are you a hipster? or you don't know...Are you the unique one on the block? Or do you rock it with colourful tights and big rim glasses?

Hipster is considered anything and everything that is not "mainstream". Lately, I noticed that more and more people are becoming hipsters and that 'hipster' style has become more widely known and popular these days. But being a hipster is ironic, since to be one you cannot WANT to be one or say your one.

 So, Most of you will know what a hipster is or how to rock that style and not be a wannabe that just want the name 'hipster' attached to them....BUT for some, they won't even have a clue on what the heck a hipster even is. I know this because I'm speaking from my own personal experience since I didn't even know what hipster was until someone explained it to me and doing some research lol..I also found out that being hipster is not only important in how you dress but also your taste in music.

Soo moving on to the better part...HOW TO BE HIPSTER!!
-Dress Vintage!!
-Wear ironic tops!
-Mismatch and layers!
-Wear skinny jeans!! (well..guy hipsters tend to wear them more than girls..but the tighter the better!)
-Be where the hipsters roam.
-Be in the right age group! (tends from teens to 30s)
-Know how to rock the just-out-of-bed look
-Polish your humor!
-Take whats old and make it new!
Well that's enough(try not to go overboard with the style lol)...moving on...Do you know if YOUR DRESSING LIKE A HIPSTER?
-Do you have a unique wardrobe that you can't find in the mall?
-You look different compared to everyone else
-Suited and booted but don't have an actual job
-Owns lots of varsity jacket but never made the sports team?
-Knowing the ins and outs of tying a scarf
-(if your a guy) you and your girl looks like a lesbian couple
-Takes longer to groom facial hair than your actual hair
-Mash up style, throw in whatever and make it look half decent.
   SO ...are you guilty of any of these? If you are than you know you are a Hipster!! But the true question is..are you a true hipster or just a wannabe hipster that wears too much American apparel/Arban outfitter and are happy when someone calls you a hipster.

Credits to other sources :)

Friday 22 February 2013

Against Animal Testing!

find out more about animal testing here
           Feeling mortified, in pain, helpless and confused. These are the feelings that lab animals feel daily. If you are a pet owner, how would you feel if your loyal companion became a test subject?  Animals should not be used as test subjects because it is morally wrong, animals are a different specie than humans and animals has no voice in this matter at all.

                Testing on animals is morally wrong in many ways. Not only is it torture for them, animals are breathing, living beings and it is just like testing on helpless children.  To begin, testing on animals is simply torture for them, like pouring shampoo in their eyes. Being a lab animal means being forcefully fed poison that are said to be harmful to human but in a dose much stronger. There are video clips that prove this, as one video is shown dogs being forcefully fed pesticide just to see how toxic it is. Additionally, animals are living beings with feelings and emotions. Animals are proven to be intelligent beings that can understand humans and feel pain and suffering.  For lab animals, being tested on daily, and feeling the pain & suffering is simply just like abusing them! How would you feel if your beloved pet is being abused daily by some unknown stranger?  In other words, testing on animals is just like testing acids on a baby! But even worse, since they cannot scream and kick as they are being held by equipments. Animals are like children that needs the love and caring they get from a parent. Testing on these poor animals is just wrong as they can only silently cry in pain with the treatment they are receiving daily as test subjects. Looking into an animal’s eyes, just how can you stand to watch them being tested on when you know that they have feelings and are being tortured by those experiments…

                Animals are different than humans genetically and have a different chemical makeup, testing on animals give inaccurate results. Effect of drugs differs from specie to species and that cosmetic & drugs meant for human should be tested on humans.  No doubt, that animal is different from humans. The reaction you get from testing are inaccurate as they cannot tell you the result of the experiment.  The results are different for both animals and humans. Drugs such as the Thalidomide that were deemed safe from testing on animals ended with disastrous results. Thalidomide drugs are drugs that women used to take to get rid of morning sickness; those drugs were previously tested on animals to be deemed safe, but ended up causing babies being born abnormal.  Pursuing this further, animals are totally different than humans. Even by testing on animals the result will be inaccurate in more than one way. An example of this is a drug called TGN1412, which was tested on monkeys in a much higher dose that caused no ill-effect before being tested on humans, which nearly killed them and left all of them with permanent health problems. With different genetic and chemical build up, different drugs will cause different effect on different species. Such as penicillin killing guinea pigs but has no effect on rabbits, aspirin causes death to cats and birth defects to dogs, monkeys, mice and guinea pig. Additionally, cosmetics and drugs for humans should be tested on humans for more accurate results rather than animals. Many people will think that if we don’t test on animals, we will have to test on humans instead. But in reality, humans are already being tested on after the case of thalidomide back in the 50’s that were supposed to combat morning sickness but caused abnormities in unborn fetus. Products for human should be tested on volunteers, which offer their body in hope to find new cures, or criminals with life sentence for accurate results that are reliable. In many cases, because animals are different specie than human, so the results they give are inaccurate 9 out of 10 times. So the most effective way would be testing on humans rather than animals.

                Animals that are tested on have no voice in all this and live a cruel life as objects that are bred just to be tested on. Having to suffer pain and injuries and being treated like nothing more than an object to be thrown away when useless.  To start off, a life that is bred just to be used as a testing subject in the future is no life at all. There are many breeders that breed animals for animal testing in the United States called ‘Puppy mills’. There are even states such as Oklahoma that hand over homeless animals to laboratories upon request. It is a cruel fate how animals from breeding dealers or homeless animals that had stayed at a shelter for little as a day are given to laboratories without a chance to find a loving and caring family. Just imagine your beloved child or pet had to deal with such a cruel fate when they are still innocent and unknown of what love is. What more, is that laboratories are said to treat the lab animals as humanely as possible by reducing pain and are killed as fast as possible, is simply untrue. There is a law in the U.S that allows lab animals to be burned, shocked, poisoned, starved and even addicted to drugs. Animals also suffer nonetheless just by being a lab animal. They suffer from being forcefully injured or exposed to diseases they wouldn’t usually get. Overall, as specie with a greater intelligence, it should be our duty to look after other animals and not treating them like tools that produce data. What we are doing would be the same as treating the Blacks, Native Americans, Asians and even Jews as less human in the past. Animals have intelligence but, some would depend on humans as a child would depend on a mother.  We should be treating animals as a living being not just an object without emotions that can be discarded anytime.

         Animals may not be able to talk but, they could reason, feel pain and suffering just like humans can. For those who think that animals are inferior to us humans, it just the same as how our ancestors in the past thought Jews, Blacks, and Natives are all inferior to the white or in the case of WWII the Aryans.


Help stop animal testing!

Save this monkey from it's cruel fate!

Thursday 21 February 2013

Hackschooling ted talk

This is picture really represents our current schooling

Logan LaPlante doing the ted talk

Be creative!!! <(^-^<)
While watching this ted talk called "Hack schooling Makes Me Happy" by Logan LaPlante ( it made me thought that, compare to what we are educated on, to those that are taught at hack schooling. Our education is basically just the same daily stuff with listening to teachers talk, writing essays and assignments then handing them in to be graded. Even though, these are taught to us to help us be successful in the future, I can positively say that every children and teenager will probably forget what they learned after a few days. Sometimes, almost half of the stuff we learn, we don't even need it in our future career.
    I find that in hack schooling, it allows the students to learn what they are interested in and gain valuable real life experiences that will also allow them to be happy. With subjects such as math, english and science, it was shown that they did crazy experiments with bowling balls that will allow students to remember the concepts for much longer than reading and writing out of a text book. I think that this type of schooling experience may be what many people wish for. Even the stuff they learn in class such as camping skills will definitely come in handy in the future. Sure that some parents will want their children to become doctors, nurses and engineers. And not become stuck with jobs such as waiting tables inside a small family restraint. But, i think that by being able to pursue your interest is what will make a person successful and happy in life. Even i am struggling between a vet and a video game artist/animator. I have a passion for animals, but a dislike science and math and is very interested in arts. Epically in anime/manga style even though i sometimes find i am lacking in creativity, which is a big road bump that makes me think twice in my future career. Sure that vets earns a very nice income and will give you a stable living but, it is tremendously hard and very stressful. With an unclear idea with whats ahead, i think that hack schooling gives students to be able to get a chance to experience different opportunities to be creative.
     So to conclude, I think that becoming a game illustrator or mangaka(someone who draws "manga" Japanese comic books) or a vet will definitely be possible with the endless amount of experience and possibilities to be creative and happy in hack schooling.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

The Ted Talk

  Did you know that stuff like iPhone and blackberry that dominate our world now, were not even invented 10 years ago! Peter Diamandis: Abundance is our future ( is a Ted talk that my class with 14 other schools in the region watched. Technology has come a long way from what it was 50 years ago. As Peter Diamandis had stated that a world of nine billion people with clean water, nutritious food, affordable housing, personalized education, top-tier medical care.." (loc. 317) is definitely true. Especially seen in advance in medical, education and life styles in these past years are definitely true. To begin,thanks to technology, the advance in medical care has rapidly grown. Especially with the 'LOC' a portable, cell-phone-sized device that allows patients to do diagnostics themselves would lower the cost of health care. Further more, education has grown over the years. It is said that the rate of education has raised tremendously.Now a days, we have educational games to online courses that are becoming more and more popular as anyone with a computer will have access to them. Finally,lifestyles over the years has changed thanks to technology, and even those that life in poverty have benefits from them as well. In this Ted talk, the invention 'slingshot' where they can filter any water into clean drinkable water is a great invention in the pass year, where they are able to give those developing countries with not enough fresh water to drink benefit from it. As the pace technology is advancing and helping us solving our problems, in the future that no one can predict will be dominated by technologies that are even more advanced than today.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

About me :)

My 2 doggies asleep <3
Sleepy head Candy...Ireally have an obsession with dog.
and...this is me :D
My name's Alice and this blog post is an introduction about me(seriously first time blogging). I love the color pink and is interested in Japanese culture. I am also good at drawing, mostly sketching which i have been doing ever since i can remember. I also have 2 toy poodles(father and son). One is a cockapoo name Baby and the other is a mix between cockapoo and shitzupoo named Candy, that look nothing like a toy and a tank full of fishes that i don't even know what specie it is. Sadly, my best marks are from courses i hate the most like math and science and i wish to never have to take another one of those courses again. But since i love animals, I'm thinking of becoming a vet. But, I just can't decide between a vet or graphic designer.As of lately, i been thinking of pursuing a career as a video game designer rather than a vet because of all the stress with none stop science and math courses. Of course, for a video game designer, it may seem like a dream job to many and it certainly is to me, and i just figured that out like today.Since i am mostly into art, I am thinking of majoring art and become the designer (illustrator/graphic designer) of video games.I am also currently creating a visual novel game called "Dark Academy" which is pretty much based on the Japanese culture using Japanese sayings such as 'arigato' or Japanese names such as Hideki, or Kiriya rather than being Americanized.
 That's pretty much it about me and a bit of my background. and Oh!!! totally forgot that i am also currently making a website for my game that is still in process...and probably will be for the next few month or so since i am quite lazy at it.