Wednesday 13 February 2013

The Ted Talk

  Did you know that stuff like iPhone and blackberry that dominate our world now, were not even invented 10 years ago! Peter Diamandis: Abundance is our future ( is a Ted talk that my class with 14 other schools in the region watched. Technology has come a long way from what it was 50 years ago. As Peter Diamandis had stated that a world of nine billion people with clean water, nutritious food, affordable housing, personalized education, top-tier medical care.." (loc. 317) is definitely true. Especially seen in advance in medical, education and life styles in these past years are definitely true. To begin,thanks to technology, the advance in medical care has rapidly grown. Especially with the 'LOC' a portable, cell-phone-sized device that allows patients to do diagnostics themselves would lower the cost of health care. Further more, education has grown over the years. It is said that the rate of education has raised tremendously.Now a days, we have educational games to online courses that are becoming more and more popular as anyone with a computer will have access to them. Finally,lifestyles over the years has changed thanks to technology, and even those that life in poverty have benefits from them as well. In this Ted talk, the invention 'slingshot' where they can filter any water into clean drinkable water is a great invention in the pass year, where they are able to give those developing countries with not enough fresh water to drink benefit from it. As the pace technology is advancing and helping us solving our problems, in the future that no one can predict will be dominated by technologies that are even more advanced than today.

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