Thursday 28 February 2013

Atticus in To Kill A Mockingbird

Atticus Finch is the father of Scout & Jem. whom is older than most fathers, which makes his children embarassed of him in the begining of the book.
   The character I decided to write about is Atticus Finch, the father of Scout and Jem Finch. In the novel he plays as a significant role model to Scout and Jem. And as an individual, he is intelligent,righteous and trustworthy. Earning him the respect of the all the citizens and is a person whom people can turn to in times of need.

   He is an role model and influential person to Scout and Jem by providing them with great wisdom and knowlegde such as teaching them to "never hold grude against people...despite their callous indifference to racial inequality"(1) and with his famous quote "you never understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.....until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" (Lee,35). As an individual, Atticus is viewed as a hero with his strong sense of justice and with ethnic believes in sympathy and understanding. Because of this, it lead him to defend Tom Robinson in his trail, which caused him to be scorned by the other citizens for defending a black man.

   I think that Harper Lee decided to include this character to describe how society was like back in the 30's where injustice and radical prejudice exist, and portrays Atticus as the "moral backbone" for the citizens as he is also one of the few citizens who believes in racial equalitly.

   As a reader, we could learn from Atticus moral understanding, knowledge and wisedom, in the issue of racistm as he did not turn his back on Tom when he was in need of help.And also that not everyone or everything was blind to injustice back in the 30s.

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