Friday 1 March 2013


Dear the Right Honourable Harper,
   I am currently a grade 10 student at KCI, and there is an issue that I want to strongly address as it has become a tremendous debate in Canada. That even students are being informed on. I believe that you are a great Prime Minister. That is able to lead Canada into a better future. So I wish you will take into serious consideration on the issue of selling water to other countries.

    The issue about selling water from Canada to other countries has caused a great concern. This issue is very important because as stated by many, “water will be the oil of the 21st centuryor liquid gold”. Because of this, it would create a major problem as it will lead to war with countries like the United States, whom “struggle withintermittent water shortage for decades”. Water is also a luxury that should be enjoyed by everyone, not just a privilege for the rich in countries that lack water. Not only is it an issue for the citizens of Canada, it will also cause a colossal impact on the environment. Such as non-native species being introduced, harmful consequence to basin habitat, biodiversity, and will even cause problems for the First Nations (3).

      I firmly suggest that, we need a bill to strengthen the current law on exporting bulk waters. This time, rather than letting it die off; we need to let this bill pass to prevent future problems with bulk water shipping. Additionally, I must strongly suggest that water should be kept as a luxury for all rather than selling it. Especially, stop Nestle from selling bottled water from Guelph ground water. This way we will be able to prevent tax and waste from the use of plastic to make the bottles. This will lower citizen’s outcry and disappointment to this issue.

       Thank you very much for your time and consideration to read this. I am confident that you will take some time to address the issue on bulk water selling.

                                                                                                             Yours sincerely,
                                                                                                               Alice Zhou
                                                                                                               K.C.I Student

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