Wednesday 20 March 2013

Guest Speaker Alison

   Okay, so today we had a guest speaker name Alison come in to talk about her careers with us! To begin, her career is public relation, where she facebooks and twitter all day long.

What I like about is that how she told us that even when she got out of high school and university, she still didn't know what career path she would take. That can be a bit reassuring, since you don't need to stress out so much on what career you want to do during high school. So.. the part that are important and sort of fits into my future career job is that it's best to be in the arts programs and be a dedicated hard worker to achieve your goal...even if it means you have to survive on canned soups! She also talked about how you would sometimes have to do overtime and even be in a war room sort of state and even have to take calls at 4am!! That part and probably living in sort of a povertyish life style to begin with is what I don't really like D:

 Bring a hard worker, twittering, Facebook all day,dedicated, scrapping by to live, overtime, taking calls at 4am and even have to be creative and good at writing...Phew! what a tough job! At first glance it may seem fun, but it sure is tough from how she described it. But what I think is that, if you love sometimes and have a passion for it,it would be the most funnest and awesomeness job ever!!

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