Monday 4 March 2013

Changing Education

   After watching the TED talk from Ken Robinson  on " School kills creativity" and "Bring on the revolution", it brings up the question on what if education changed in order to showcase your natural talent? Being able to do what you love to do all day in school, learning and improving your passion AND being able to get your credits to wouldn't that be awesome.

   In the book I'm reading called "To kill a mockingbird", the main character Scout "Jean Louise Finch" excels in reading and writing. But, she is terrible at school due to the teacher not letting her read and write as  she were taught by her father. Rather than having the teacher teach in one direction, if Scout were able to follow her dreams and be taught the way she were benefit the most, I think that she would be successful and happy. Such as being able to read and write what she likes rather than having her learn beginner stuff such as the alphabet when she already knows how.

    Well, for me it would be amazing if I could draw and be creative all day, doing what I love to do.  Being able to draw what i like during school and not have to worry about subjects like science and math would be fantastic and having everything revolve around arts will really be something! For me, rather than working with textbooks, I would rather have classes where we learn photoshop, doing digital art, traditional art and even painting would really showcase my natural talent, since i have been really intrested in drawing ever since i could remember. Also, for many they excel by doing things thats not textbook related, such as hands on projects. So for many, if school could change and let people work and polish their talent and passion wouldn't everyone be much happier being able to excel in their own special area of talent.

  So, I think that if education changed for the better, it could bring in more creativity and let students excel to the best of there ability rather than feeling stupid in some subjects that they are bad at (for example someone is a genius computer programmer but just sucks at math by getting lousy marks)


  1. I agree with your statement. If you can can what you enjoy to do during school it will most likely better your education. if your one track and have just one track without any freedom you'll just end up not doing good work. if you could incorporate your interests into what school makes you do then you will end up excelling in school

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