Monday 4 March 2013

Personality Quiz Assignment

1.       Some stuff that I have found in common through going through this unit are, that I am creative or artistic (Interest inventory, true colour personality and the four humor quiz) but also, shy and dislike taking the lead which is really true. Also results from many quizzes such as from type inventory quiz and the four humor quiz really stands out because it is true to some extent. Such as not liking to stand out or is bad at socializing with people and can be sensitive and creative to some aspect.

    I think that the work that would be appropriate for me would be jobs like Video game designer, Graphic designer or a Writer. Firstly, to be a video game designer one must like to play games and be on top of technology and be creative. From quiz # 5(Interest inventory), 9(true colour personality), 11(four humor) the results shows that I am creative and “often artistic”. Most times being creative is an important part of being a video game designer. Also, for being a graphic designer is also is an option from being able to be creative and having a passion for arts or entertainment . Lastly, I think that being an writer may also be an optional job

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