Friday 22 March 2013

Nature of Man

    The nature of man, are they essentially evil or essentially good? Based on Thomas Hobbe's philosophy believe that all man are evil. Today...well a few days ago, after my presentation on Thomas Hobbes, we had a class discussion on if men are all essentially evil or not. I am writing a blog post about this topic.  Well, I believe that humans are all naturally evil as human emotions can are based on the 7 deadly sin.
Seven Sins
-Lust (Luxuria)
-Envy (Invidia)
-Greed (Avaritia)
-Pride (Superbia)
-Glutonny (Gula)
-Sloth (Acedia)
-Wrath (Ira)
(find definitions here)

   I believe that rather than all men begin from being essentially evil or essentially good then becoming the other, I think that all men are essentially evil, no matter how good that men is. Based on the 7 deadly sin, which is normal emotions that we all feel, each of them, if taken too far will lead to bad things. Since everyone in there daily lives will feel one of these emotions, doesn't it make them potential for being essentially evil? Well, think about it! Why are these 7 emotions called "The 7 Deadly Sins"?

 So yeah, that's what I think of the nature of man. Everyone has a different perception on if men are good or evil, sometimes there are a clear line that divides them, but sometimes there isn't so no one knows.

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