Saturday 9 March 2013

Pirate Radio ( The boat that rocked)

Carl\Tom Sturridge
   After watching the movie Pirate Radio, I must say that I really enjoyed it. From serious moments to hilarious comedy and how it is based  loosely on a historical experience.The actors who plays the characters in this were all wonderful, making it really funny from the very beginning with Carl(Tom Sturridge) boarding the radio ship that his godfather Quentin(Bill Nighy) owns! I must say that it was wonderfully told, but some parts were really awkward to watch ...(if you've watched it, you'll know what i mean lol)

  So moving on, was it right for the government to change the law in order to capture the Radio Rock guys or was it wrong for them to evade the law? In my opinion, it is totally wrong for those of higher authorities to use there power for there own good. Not only that they should have taken into more consideration before the using their power to change the law as they wish. The Radio Rock guys also wasn't breaking any laws, so rather than dealing with them, don't the government have more important issues to deal with? But that's not it! they also ignored the citizen's favorite, by creating a law against Pirate Radio making it illegal, when it is a very popular thing among all the citizens! So it is totally unjust and fair for the government to do abuse there power to change the law for such a small matter!.......And now, was it wrong or right for the Radio Rock people to evade this new law? What do you think? After watching the movie, I felt that it was not wrong for the Radio Rock guys to evade that new law. Since the law not only saddens the fans who listen to them, it also was an unjust law just to silence them. But I'm not saying that evading the law is a good thing, but unfair laws like that are made to be broken!

  That's pretty much what I think about the issue that this movie dealt with, enforcing new laws and evading them. But in contrast to that... the movie was a classic! really funny and entertaining!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you liked it. I totally forgot to warn people about the "scenes of a sexual nature" as I was scrambling to hand out interims!
