Wednesday 3 April 2013

Christopher Graves - Project Hope

 Today, our guest speaker was Christopher Graves,an executive director for this charity called Project Hope. So what he does for a living is fundraising for widows and orphans, for there nutrition, and education fees to help them become self sustaining. Aside from that, he is also the only employee that is in Canada, so he basically does everything from accounting to banking. While his work shifts from 9-10 hours daily with salaries from $35000-$80000, but in reality it's a job where you are always working with a very broad, all over the place salary.

  For the part of the job where I found interesting and like is probably being able to help people.Also, the parts that I don't like about this job is probably the traveling, managing everything, asking for money, communicating/advertisement and having to always work. For some people this may be the fun or good part of being a executive director or working in the charity industry. But, for me it's probably a career I am not so interested in or will pursue in the future.

  All in all, it was a great presentation where my class got to learn a lot more about the charity industry, and what's it's like and where the money from the doners end up at.

To find more about this charity please go to :)

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