Tuesday 16 April 2013

Endless Vengence ~A Before French Revolution fanfic~

  The Palace of Versailles stood grand and proud as the symbol of absolute monarchy during the days before the French Revolution. The blue sky, lustrous fields of colourful flower, and sparkling fountains of water could be seen from the windows of Versailles. Outside, countless noble men and women could be found chatting and passing time with entertainment. While inside the palace at night, are King Louis XV and his queen Marie Leszczyńska, holding countless parties for the rich and nobles. While the Palace of Versailles was in this grand state, outside the palace crowding the endless streets were dirty poor peasants, stealing and begging for food, with crime rates rising through the roof was what reality was  like in France under the rule of King Louis XV.
 Walking through this grand palace with its halls filled with antiques and painting, after having completed my mission, I began to question myself, how much longer will it be? How much longer before this will all come to an end? As I reached the chamber of his Majesty Louis the XV, I stopped my thoughts. Once I enter this velvet room; I was greeted by the King himself, his servant Charles-Francois de Broglie and a fellow member of le Secret du Roi, Maximilien de Robespierre.

“Good job Lia de Beaumont, I heard you did a fine job” said King Louise XV.        

“Thank you your majesty” I said.

“I am glad that you have established a good relationship with Russia and Empress Elizabeth. It will become helpful in the future” he said while sitting there with his hand under his chin.

“Yes your majesty” I replied

“Lia and Maximilien, you two may both leave now” said Louise after his business with us was done.

“May God bless the King” We said as we bowed and retreated from his majesty’s chamber.
 Maximilien and I are part of the secret police force, the Secret du Roi. It’s a group that has sworn loyalty to King Louis XV, and works as secret spies. This group is led by Broglie. In total there are only 32 known members, but most of them have their identities hidden, so no one really knows who these 32 members really are except for the king himself and Broglie. Even though Maximilien and I are working as spies under King Louis XV, we believe that the king is a corrupted ruler who has left his citizens to starve and die. But, there is also a secret that only I and Maximilien know about…and because of that, we are a threat to the king. He could have easily gotten rid of us, but we have proven ourselves useful, and without us he will not be able to maintain his position easily. But because of that, we have to be able to gain the kings trust by being in his Secret du Roi…..Our role is to led a revolution. As the tension between the peasants and royals have grown more and more, we are to prepare for it and lead the people...that’s what we have decided.
 As if Maximilien could read my thoughts he said “There’s no use thinking about it right now, Lia.”

“I know. But there is so much going on, especially….” I said but was hushed by Maximilien.

“Not now, we don’t know who might be listening” he said in a hushed tone.

“Alright” I said as we walked down the seamlessly long hallway inside the Palace of Versailles.

Once we got back to my chamber, we cautiously discussed current events that have taken place in France. The seven year war had recently ended with the peace treaties of Paris. With the peace that has finally settled after the long tiresome war, it was a hard time to strike and cause a revolution with everyone being ethausted. But, like usual through our endless discussion, Maximilien had decided to wait… At that time we did not know that the time to strike back would happen so soon, especially with the events that followed up to it…..
 Several weeks have passed since I returned from my mission. I was called out by Maximilien into an isolated area of the garden of Versailles, that was surrounded by ginormous white pillars, and it was there that I was informed about the news that his majesty would send Maximilien to Russia. Even though the relation between Russia and France had become more stable, it would still mean suicide if a man were to cross the borders of Russia! Knowing that, we could predict what the king must have wanted. To separate Maximilien and I, to pick us off so that we would never reveal the secret that would cause the whole idea of absolute monarchy to crumble. Maximilien said that he would follow his majesty’s orders, even though he knew it would be dangerous. But I just couldn’t let him! If it means that I would never be able to see him, I would just follow him to Russia…as I thought that, tears began to form. I pleaded with him to take me with him, but as he quietly wiped my tears with his thumb, he told me that it would just mean everything we worked so hard up until now would be a waste. He told me to stay and began leading the people to freedom. But no matter what he told me, I would not let him go alone…Even if it means going against our monarch, throwing away our status, becoming banned as traitors! After seeing my determination and unwavering attitude, he decided to begin the revolution. We only had a few weeks to prepare and counter King Louis XV.
 Through countless weeks of struggle and working overnight, day after day, we prepared for the rebellion. It also seems that the king has been trying to keep us separate, fearing that we would communicate and betray him. Keeping us both busy, we rarely have time to see each other. But none the less, we would still secretly meet up in a deep underground chamber that only few know about.
   After the plan had finally settled, I retired to my chamber for some rest. As I lay there on my bed, I begin to recall all the old memories of Maximilien and me: from the time when we first met at a grand masquerade ball, where nobel men and women were clad in fancy dresses and suits with matching masks hiding their identity and rank, inside the Palace of Versailles when I was 19 to when I met him again 2 years later when we were introduced to each other as fellow members of the Secret du Roi. It been a few years now… and it was him who helped me open my eyes and change my mind about his majesty King Louis XV.  After that, we had worked for a few years as undercover spies for the king, but also secretly gathering evidence and support for the rebellion against the royal family. But it was around that time that there was no turning back when we found out the most important secret of all. I slowly drifted off into a dreamless sleep as I continued through the flashbacks.
 It was the next night when a sudden summoning from the King came. Escorted by Broglie, I entered the king’s chamber and, inside, Maximilien was already there. It seems that he was also summoned here, but why? Something was really suspicious about it. As I was thinking that, the king nodded to Broglie who replied with a “Oui” and quietly shut the door.

“It seems you two already have an idea about why you were called here” said Louis, sitting in his bed behind its soft white velvet curtains so we could only hear his voice.

“And what might that be?” Maximilien replied with a sarcastic tone.

“Watch your tongue” snapped Broglie.

“It’s quite alright Broglie” said the king.
“You two had always been quite useful, but also a pain, especially you Maximilien de Robespierre” he continues.

“It seems you two have been doing something behind my back”
My heart thumped when I heard him say that. So he does know about that eh…but it doesn’t matter, I’m already prepared for this possibility to happen.

“I’m just fulfilling that stupid prophecy that the old king believed in, your majesty” Maximilien said with a smirk.

How dare you speak that way to our ruler” barked Broglie readying his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Maximilien laughed loudly. “Oh how long has he tricked this country being a monarch that doesn’t even contain a single drop of royal blood!” 

“Insolent fool! He is the absolute ruler, one that you will never be” said Broglie angrily, lashing toward Maximilien with his sword, which Maximilien dodged with ease.

 What Maximilien said is true. The secret that the royal family has kept for decades: the current king of France was not from royalty, or even French for the matter of fact. This is the secret we had found out while on our adventure as the king’s spy. It was predicted by a prophet that the newly born prince whom would become the next ruler would bring destruction to the royal family with his own hands and that only if switched with a certain person will the royal be spared of such a fate and that person would bring salvation. The previous king had taken into serious consideration what that prophet had said, and he switched his newly born son with the young Maximillien de Robespierre and with their fates changed, the young prince took the throne at the tender age of 5 when the previous king passed away.
 While Maximilien and Broglie kept sparring with each other, it could easily be seen that Broglie was at a disadvantage. Then with a loud clap from the king, dozens of solders came rushing in with weapons in hand. We could easily tell that this would be troublesome even with our level of swordsmanship. As Maximilien called my name, I could tell what we were going to do next. I ran to him as he grabbed my hand and jumped off the balcony door….
   It has been a few days since the event in the king’s chamber happened. Maximilien and I have stayed hidden since that time as we were deemed traitors. We both stayed at difference places,only meeting up occasionally to discuss our next plan. In a secret chamber under a cemetery, we would each hide notes for the other to read. 

  It was that night that I went to our secret meeting place, and there under a corpse I could see a small hidden piece of paper. When I unfolded it I read that he wishes to see me at the Catholic Church that was 30 minutes away from where I had stayed. When reading this note, I could sense that something was off. I decided to go to the church, but not without preparation. I left a note in a place that only Maximilien would notice and returned to my hideout. There I began my preparation and sent off an envelope filled with secrets that would destroy the king to someone whom I could trust to give to Maximilien, and in there I also wrote him a letter regarding my decisions.
  When I arrived at the church, I met the priest before I entered the dark, silent confession room. There I could make out a faint figure of a man….I called out saying that I was here and within seconds, a glint of silver came my way thrusting through my heart. While struggling from the burning pain that blossomed from my chest, I could faintly make out the face of the person behind the confession stall, its eyes filled with hatred. Stumbling with my vision blurring and strength draining, I slowly made my way out of to room, to the grand halls of the church, gasping for air as I could feel my body being drained of it's warmth, I collapsed. The only thing on my mind was that I've hope for Maximilien to read my letter and not worry..even when I'm gone...

  Trying to grasp every breath I could, I was able to maintain conscious as the burning pain continued to spread throughout my chest. I could just make out the faint footsteps coming toward me, the echo it made sound so familiar. Struggling to keep my eyes open, I could see the priest and his follower collapse to the ground in a pool of crimson. I glimpsed up, seeing a worried Maximilien, I smiled, and slowly reached my hand out to wipe away the tears running down his face. There I quietly whispered “don’t worry….everything will be alright….. Please don’t cry and smile for me….” With my vision becoming more dark and blurry, the last thing I could see was a sad smile on Maximilien’s face beneath his tears as everything became surrounded in darkness.
    When Lia’s eyes closed, it looks as if she was just peacefully asleep. Maximilien vowed that he could not let her die, that he would fulfil her wish and get revenge on the person who had done this to her. Swearing under his breath, wishing that he could have arrived earlier to their meeting place and finding the piece of note hidden skilfully in a corpse’s hand telling him where she went, he could have prevented all this. Carefully picking Lia up as if she was as fragile as a flower, Maximilien carried her off into the dark night where the rain came pattering down as if  crying with him in pain. There he vowed in the darkness that surrounds him and Lia that he would help her take her vengeance on this corrupted world....

Disclaimer and Credits: losely based on historical events and  figures such as Chevalier D'eon,King Louis XV and Maximilien de Robispierre, also losely based on the story Le chevalier D'eon.

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