Tuesday 2 April 2013

Standardized Testing

  Why does standardized testing (EQAO, grade 9 math..etc) exist?
 Many of us wonder why they exist and how there are even a lot of people that like them! They take a long time to write, a long time to mark...so why not just erase standardized testing from the face of this planet?

  But, sadly it exist and there is a reason why .... no matter how much we hate them, they exist. So, for why they exist, I think that they exist to test our abilities on how to read,write, speak and math, basically all the important life skills. They also have pros to them, as they show how the students knowledge are from the previous years, give teachers a guideline on what to teach and help track, eliminate test questions that are a problem when they compare all the test results. So basically they exist with these pros to help both students and teachers.

 No matter how much we hate something (ahmm..standardized testing), they exist for a purpose and that purpose will help us as students in the future.

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