Friday 26 April 2013

Justin Kominar - Programmer at Primal

 Everyone's career path is different. Sometimes you get the career you studied for, other times you get thrown into an unexpected career. Today we had a guest speaker come in named Justin Kominar, who works as a programmer at a company named Primal. Primal is an artificial intelligence that helps build your interest network.

   Today, we got an idea of how a programmer's work is like and how Justin ended up as a programmer. To start off, he majored in philosophy but had an interest in computers ever since he was a kid. He learned all those skills needed to be a programmer through his experience from self learning to building websites for Mcmaster University. If it were me it would've been totally hard learn all those skills necessary needed for a programmer that's for sure. Parts that are fun about this job that Justin mentioned would be that you get to play with all those high edge cutting technologies, some that aren't even out to the public yet. He has also told us that to get a job as a programmer you need to be diverse and adaptive. But that's not all, getting a recommandation REALLY MATTERS! So get to know as much people from that industry and do Co-op and volunteer as much as possible!

   I would so not be able to get all those connections and such that easily and that would probably be one of the things I dislike about this career. Another thing is that the wages are very diverse and hours can be flexible or extreme depending on which company you work for (Yikes if you work for a new company that is barely hanging on!.

  I wonder if that job would be suitable to me hmm...but rather than computer engineering, I'll rather persue as a video game designer :) but same it's pretty much the same tihng.

   Justin was a good speaker, even though he rant on and on about stuff, but that shows us that he knows what he is doing in his career. But overall it was great and it gave us a view of being an programmer!

(Primal's Website : )


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