Wednesday 1 May 2013

Amy Beamer-Human Resources at WPL

 Today we had a guest speaker named Amy Beamer, who works in human resource section at the Waterloo Public Library. Even though she didn't really explain her job, she talked about how it is like being an interviewer since she is also responsible for hiring people.

   During the talk, she gave many useful advice on how to dress and act aproprately, like dress as if you want the job, during a job interview.She also told us about this period called the 'prohibition period' where you get watched on how you perform during the first 3 months. In that case, you could get fired imediately if you mess up(for example you sleep on the job or read while you are suppose to be working).

   Theres not really much I can say about her job since she only give us job interview advices, but I think what she told us would be really useful in the future since it's like an inside view of what interviewer look for and their expectations when hiring people.

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