Today in class, our first guest speaker was Mark Morton a professor at the university of waterloo who teaches other professors on how to teach. Probably what I learned today was that usually people with a Ph.D tends to go into teaching as professor.Though, being a professor isn't all about teaching since you will also have to research and public books to be able to keep your job (this is totally unrelated but it kinda connects to the novel I am currently reading called A discovery of witches, where the two main character are professors at Oxford who teaches and also do alot of researching manuscripts). We also got a review on how much you get paid as a university professor, which is quite alot from $70000 starting to $130000 mid career. But of course, it takes years of schooling (12 years) so your just basically paying off your student debt with those earnings, so if you want a higher earning job go be a dentist.
Now for his job as a professor for other university professor, people might wonder why the heck do they have professors teach other professors. To start off, most professors are paid to research on any subject they want, so they aren't really good at teaching and such. Also, those who are professors need to be "tenure" to keep their jobs which mean they will have to publish articles an
d books from their findings.(and publishing books definitly does not pay the bill but people tend to get grants and such, and it is also pretty rewarding in a sense after you publish a book.) As for the books Mr.Morton has published in the pass are
Cupboard Love, Dirty Words, and The End
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