Tuesday 7 May 2013

Sarah Leishman - Child and Youth Worker

Today we got an insight on what it is like to be a child and youth worker, who works with troubled children and youth up till the age of 18. To start off, there are many different types of CYW who works in hospitals, schools and even groups homes.With the different types of CYW, the shifts and annual wage also varies from $35000-$60000 to higher paying positions. Now for what they do, they provide counselings to help children and youth cope with problems such as being abused,drug addictions, low self-esteem to anxiety. They also keep the conversation confidential, unless it breaks a certain rule. There are also positions where they talk with the whole family of the child/youth on how to handle the special needs that the child/youth may have.

  Now for my prespective on this job, I think it is a very dangerous job since if they tell you that they done something illegal and then was caught, you will also be involved in the case too. But not only that,by being a counseller you must also keep your mind calm and have this sort of personality that would make your client want to pour their heart out to you after just 20 minutes of knowning you. So I think it is quite a difficult job that I wouldn't want to persue in the future. But if it's someone who likes working with children and wants to help them then it might be a good career path.

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