Monday 13 May 2013

Harold Albrecht - MP

Today we had the honor of meeting Harold Albrecht, the MP for the Kitchener Conastoga riding. We also learned a great deal about how it is like to be a MP and how you can get there.

  To start off, you can be a MP at the age of 14. But of course,you must have supporters who are willing to support you if you want to be a MP. So the advice he gave us was that, get to be known in the community as much as possible by volunteering and putting yourself out there by being active.He also tells us about his busy work hours from about an 80 hour week to traveling to and from Ottawa. Harold Albrecht also told us a bit of his background from how he became a MP. Starting with being a dentist first, then to being a pastor for a local church.So with that said, you don't need to major in politics to be a MP.

  With being a MP, they have to go through elections that if they lose, they will be jobless. Now that is what I call a pressure job! Long hours of work, none stop traveling and events,and lastly it is not a stable life job as there are always chances thta you will lose your seat. It definitly is not an easy job and will need alot of dedication!


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