Thursday 23 May 2013

Richard McDonald - Corporate/Screen/Comedy Writer

 I'm sure some people have heard or know the Red Green show. Well guess what, today our guest speaker was the screen writer of the show for 5 years! But thats not the main point, today our guest speaker Richard McDonald talked to us about how it is like being a writer and how in everyones life, there are 7 careers choices. His 7 career choices were auto mechanic, cabinet maker, filmmaker, film critic, freelance magazine columnist, a comedy writer and a Corporate writer/worker. Now with that said, that is alot of different career paths from something like a auto mechanic to a writer.

  Well one thing I definitly learned today is that being a write DOES NOT PAY THE BILLS! Definitely many people who write also have other jobs supporting them since (espically freelance writers) only earn $0.25 per word in Canada... that is definitly not alot. But also the benefits are that you get to travel and sometimes even meet or talk to famous people! So being a writer is pretty neat especially for me if it is writing fiction novels since you get to be creative and create your own story~

  All in all, todays 2 guest speaker definitly have something in common about writing and how it doesn't pay the bill but also, how it is rewarding to have your writing published and how if it is something you like go for it!

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