Friday 31 May 2013

Ann Liebau - Midwife

    When people say midwife, the first thing that pops in your mind is a person who help deliver babies at home. Today our guest speaker Ann Liebau, who has been a midwife for 13 years came to talk to us about how it was like to be a midwife. Some people might think this job is cool or this job is kinda weird since you have to deal with the birthing and a lot...lots of blood. Well we got an idea on how the job was from how they have to be on call 24/7 if something happens and they do things like home visits, help the mother plan her pregnancy and also do tests like a doctor would. Now speaking of doctors, sometimes midwifes would work alongside with them if the mother has problems like diabetes and such half way through her pregnancy, since they only work with healthy women who has lower risks. To be a midwife one must 4U english, science and social science to get into the program. From there, they will have to take a 4 year program to become a midwife(though mostly the program is dominated by women, in Ontario we have 1 male midwife who just recently graduated! exciting right?) When you become a professional midwife you go through 6 stages of different annual wage depending on your experience totaling from $80 000-$110 000.

  Now this job may appeal to somebody, but to me it's just kinda hard to picture myself being one since I hate seeing blood :(  For people who wants to be a midwife must have a passion and dedication to become one. Sooo I think that our final guest speaker was a pretty good way to finish.

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